323-621-9368 Let's Talk

Interior Design Collaboration in Los Angeles

Team Up with Our Dependable Contractors

With an outstanding reputation in the greater Los Angeles area, you can trust the top interior designers in Los Angeles at 5blox to collaborate with you and your client to actualize their dream home using their vision, remodeling goals, and needs.


Work with One of the Finest Interior Design Teams in Los Angeles

Our reliable contractors bring their industry expertise to every project to help your clients create the interior spaces of their dreams. An award-winning interior design and home renovation agency, 5blox will work closely with you and your client to make it happen. We take the time not only to collaborate with top interior designers in Los Angeles but also to understand your client’s wants and needs so we can exceed their expectations.

Confidently help your client create a space unique to their vision with a reliable contractor with industry expertise.


Don't take our word for it...

Collaboration and clear communication with interior designers in Los Angeles is essential to helping clients build their dream homes. If you have any questions or ideas you’d like to share, we’ll take them on board and keep you informed every step of the way. We’ll also let you know if there are any changes to the plan at any time.

We pride ourselves on our exceptionally personalized service, developing homes that meet your client’s vision, hopes, dreams, and budget. See our projects to understand why we’re regarded as some of the best contractors in Los Angeles.

Partner Testimonials

See how industry professionals love working with us!

Hello 5blox team,

I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for the wonderful job you’ve done. Despite encountering a few challenges along the way, I was impressed with how swiftly and effectively you found solutions. Janet shares my sentiments and is equally delighted with the outcome.

A special shoutout to Ubaldo for their exceptional work on the title and related tasks. Additionally, working with your photographers, Christian and Christina, was an absolute pleasure. Their professionalism and friendly demeanor made the experience even more rewarding. I’m truly grateful for your willingness to extend their services to my project.

Please consider me an enthusiastic advocate for your services, and I’ll be sure to recommend you for future projects. Currently, I’m involved in a few construction projects, and my latest prospect already has a contractor, but your expertise will be the first I suggest to others in need.

Should you wish to discuss any ideas or feedback that could further enhance our collaboration in future projects, I’m all ears. Looking forward to our next venture together.


Tell Us Your Vision

Collaboration with our interior design team is essential for transparency and accountability at 5blox. What does working with a reputable, licensed, and bonded company entail?

  • Setting clear expectations and seeing them through
  • Discussing your client’s goals, plus the logistics and budget of the project
  • Full service, including the handling of permits, project management, the internal 3D rendering of the project before construction, and purchasing

Ready to work with some of the top interior designers in Los Angeles? Contact us now to book a free walkthrough of your client’s home.


Highly Personalized Service

Building their dream home begins and ends with open communication and collaboration. Our interior design team communicates extensively with top interior designers in Los Angeles to bring each client’s vision to life. Questions? Concerns? Have a list of ideas and necessities? We’ll keep you in the loop each step of the way and will alert you to any changes to the plan.

We take pride in our highly personalized service, developing homes that fit your client’s hopes, dreams, vision, and budget. View our projects to see why we’re considered some of the best interior designers in Los Angeles.